Thursday, July 07, 2005

the truth is actually...

just got back from large night out in perth, hanging out with mates i lived with ie not young liberal, (shes from melbourne... not st kilda ie secret life). the closest i got to picking up was this peroxided hair girl saying that i looked like the brady bunch and that i needed a hair cut, thanks. next time i will get a real mans haircut... a number two blade blended step... undercut maybe??????????????????????????/

= have further discovered that im not very goood at night clubs and that the true way to love is to charm girls with the benefits that comes from knowing my family: ie my mum is a nurse and can seriously hook your grandma up any aged care needs and my dad knows his shit when it comes to scaffolds andscissor addition ny younger brother is a proper geezer and when it comes to pin striped pants and diesel sunnies and oasis he is a wealth of knowledge - go pubes (i call him pubes sometimes.. its funny, trust me)

bRAD has been hassling me that i owe him money cos i didn't have any and he paid for many drinks,,, yes i did smoke four cigies tonight although i have quit but 2 my credit i threw thr rest of them at happy punters. i also tipped a glass of bacardi over my friend annikas friend (sorry ak), which is bad news as her dad has the most rizzzocking clizzogs this side of the EU.

despite ppl chewing off their jaws i was not tempted ny ecstacy, event thgouth many arthouse0ish songs came on... not that way inclined... at a point in wchich someione said 'wanker' toow wchich i repolied: your the wanker mate, if anyone is.

tonight i saw harry, g-units wa branch,,, G-UNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

better go soon as am playing on someone elses computer (tims) and that i have a double bed to pizzzzzzzzzzzzassssssss out on for shiizurre... taste the radness mother fizzuckers

yours sizzincercely

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