Friday, July 08, 2005

Still Perth

I am still in Perth, however more sober this time. On the whole everyone around me does not have my drinks on them and there are no ethnic minorities ganging up and trying to kill me through vegetarian dishes -
After sensing cultural tension between myself, a pin-up boy of western civilisation, and the Hari Krishnas, a peace loving people who offer top rate meals at a pay-what-you-think price, things looked like they were going to head south.
thankfully my mate Tom was able to calm the waters by communicating with the foreign peoples with some universal words of people of 'non-Western' civilisation: 'Durka durka, Muhammed Jihad'.
Thanks to Tom quick wit and faultless elocution I was saved and with the help of some Zyrtec lived to fight another day on the mean streets of Perth.

-Sarah Blasko is hot, her beauty surpassed perhaps only by that of her keyboard player.
-James Ross-Edwards, prolific blogger and man about town has now officially inundated his seldom viewed web log with so much in jokes that it is has the equivalent audience of whatevers on channel 7 during big brother up late.

Personal correspondence:
Rhythm section of Gelbison: OK guys, look, I know its only a support slot and that Sarah Blasko is pretty mellow herself but you guys could have at least turned up to play for even a bit. Furthermore, thanks to you your band let down the rest of the bill as you were far below the required scarf quota for live music in Perth.

1 comment:

clauds said...

love a good poisonous cuzza.