Friday, October 07, 2005

Good Morning!
I'd never looked at this myself until just then. Steve apparently has a blog about our top-rating late-night, fortnightly radio show on fBI 94.5FM

Good news you can now listen online at

And no, we still don't have presenter profiles yet... One day, and I'm going to write the most amusing answers to that questionairre when we do - I will outwit and outquirk everyone if it's the last thing I do.


1. Very early last Saturday morning at the Crowie (yeah, so what) I said hi to this guy who was two years above us at school whose name I won't mention 'cos I might be scared of him. Anyway, being very civil I asked him how it was going. His reply went along the lines of
'Fucken, I'm fuck fucken (c-word that I never use, not even if a car ran over my foot... Unless it's an amusing word play: for example 'Don't take that rubbish from them. Stand up and be cunted!')
So I said 'Cool, so you've had a good night then?'
The story goes on, but you know those people who always get aggressively defensive (oxymoron anyone?) For example, if I were to ask you, the reader, 'Where are you working at the moment?'

non aggressive-defensive response: 'I'm working in a pub at the moment, I quite enjoy it'
aggressive-defensive response: 'What am I doing? Mate I work in a pub, I don't give a fuck, whatever y'know... Yeah I live with my parents, fuck, I don't care...Fuck, I do whatever the fuck I want...'

A defensive-aggressive responder has many of traits of an aggressive arsehole, with the difference being that an aggressive-arsehole usually doesn't feel the need to justify themself to other people that haven't even called them into question.

* On another note my brother met Tim Rogers in Ireland last week. They had a short conversation before the Youami frontman said: 'You better go to bed mate, you look pretty fucked'
The Pride inside me! Pubes has kicked a goal!

* Rumours:
A certain someone is in a certain someone elses bad books after a certain someone called that certain someone a junkie. In all fairness to the certain someone, apparently just cos you take a butt-load of drugs it doesn't make you a junkie. It just makes you cool as shit.

Stay tuned for previews of this Spring Carnival's blockbuster: 'There's Something About Brad'. Brad has been reported to be suited, booted and carving up Randwick and surrounding night spots - Despite a few losses on the horses, Brad appears to have more than enough Philly's to soften the blow (hahahahaha)

I'm starting a 'The Streets' cover band. I will be on lead vocals...

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