Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Google Analytics Report #1

The following is a list of things people have typed into Google that have lead them to my blog. Although I hate to look past the "c-word," I think my favourite is the Q-Bar membership enquiry... Or number 20.

1. tiny men

2. "award school"

3. big coronas or tiny men

4. great humanitarians

5. 36cb69faeb2b6cd6b0e14bbb5837401

6. big coronas small me

7. big cunts

8. big women tiny men fuck

9. claudia newstead*

10. exact tiny for men

11. funny pictures of tiny men

12. james ross's t shirt

13. list of great humanitarians

14. men slang-cockpit

15. mens cardigans, in target, nsw australia

16. myf dingo

17. myf dingo magazine

18. myf warhurst dingo

19. myf warhurst dingo magazine

20. sucking big dicks

21. tiny

22. tinymen or

23. vegas lounge membership card qbar

24. waiting for the front door to splinter, waiting all winter


franith said...

Apparently the person searching for 'big coronas small me' (#6) had heard of your blog, but only via some kind of tribal history passed down orally and slightly mistranslated?

Or were you googling for yourself

Anonymous said...

"mens cardigans, in target, nsw australia"