Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I've experienced a fairly serious bout of writer's block lately. Granted, it is a totally pretentious illness - and I should know, I only listen to music in which the artist has a one word name, that is a noun. It isn't that I hate any certain types of music more than others. The fact is, I hate all types of music - it is a terrible, diluted art form that's only useful purpose is to divide people into easily definable categories. One-name artists are, for my mind, the only artists worth listening to. I have an Amazing* friend, who argues ferociously for artists with names that have the vowels removed, and sometimes appear as an acronym. This friend and I frequently argue over things. Just the other day, he described a fully grown man as cute. I disagreed.

*he is African.


Anonymous said...

Hey James, it leons brother again, did you get my email?
I was wondering if you had anything for the zine yet?
If you're at a loss for what to give me then id say that i'm mostly interested in getting interesting, quality writing. It can be experimental or just funny or both or neither.
I could say that the zine has a very loose theme of time, or time wasting.
The idea is that it is a zine of stuff done in my and my friends spare time. It's not what we make our living from.
so yeah, just waste some time writing and send me the results.

cheers man,

Anonymous said...

What if I combined my first and last names to make

UdharaDeSilva - one word. a noun.

Would you listen to me then? Or at least read the liner notes of my yet to be released album?