Friday, February 03, 2006

he stage dived and he missed, he staged dived and he missed

Lack of inspiration... Nothing to write about. My brain is clogged with menial labour, Eric Bana, OC series 1 and 2 and voices in my head telling me to sail to Tahiti (fucken OC again).

We had a radio show on Wednesday night/Thursday morning... We are sucking a fair bit less than we used to. I got the following comment:
'Steve sounds like an actual professional...Not that you sound bad, you just sounded like his guest or something'
- I can't believe I actually immortalised that in print... That will get Steve out of bed for the next week. I reckon maybe longer.

1 comment:

James Ross-Edwards said...

It's either that or compete with Pidge for the cocky, threatening male spot... I'm not sure yet.