Saturday, September 08, 2007


It was funny for Eric, watching everyone change around him. He had seen school, work and uni mates floating, often flying, in different directions. Rock solid alliances gradually lost and gained members, until he was surrounded by noone that could remember why screaming "CHICKS!" was funny anymore.

"Of course you've changed, blowjob. You just think you haven't because you still wear those Volley Classic's that cost $10 more than the normal ones. They're completely gay, by the way. Your pants have got tighter, you've lost about 40% of your social conscience and are way more arrogant."
"Don't call me 'blowjob', that's a verb. I'm not a verb. It's like me calling you 'wanking'. Wanker."
"Seeing as you never change, why don't you scream CHICKS! at cars that are probably full of dudes, like you always have then?"
"A Mitsubishi Mirage isn't a car of dudes. A Mirage is a TOTAL girl car! Why don't you go and write some essay on how Maggie Aldersen uses way too much petrol getting a handbag from France? You can even call her a 'blowjob', or one of your fancy terms."
"I think that it is rad to call people 'a blowjob'."
"I accuse my friends of 'changing', which is completely cliched."
"I'm just upset because my cousin overdosed."

"What? I'm just saying, that's probably why you're upset."


LiteraryMinded said...

I've never hard anyone call anyone blowjob! I'm going to call soemone blowjob today and see how they take it!

BTW, I've tagged you for the Super 8 meme -

Have fun with it if you decide to follow through! :-)

Anonymous said...

Identify the verb in this sentence...

Phil Gould gave Joey Johns a blowjob.

Supplementary question: Do you think blowjob is a verb?



Anonymous said...

That Stephen guy's a wanker...
