Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Shorter and of lower quality than expected, no kudos.

Having only eaten/drunk soup pre-work this evening, I made a trip to City Convenience to buy a pie. On my way back through the lobby my Little Security Guard Friend (not to be confused with Little Hoodrat Friend) engaged me in some conversation:
"Where'd ya get food from at this hour?"
"City Convenience," I replied. "Not a huge number of options open at this hour," I added, thoughtfully"
"Jeez, they charge like wounded dogs don't they?"
"You see, you don't buy your cokes there! How much did you pay for it?"
"I'm not sure, I didn't really pay attention."
"Nah. If you go down to the dock, they're only $1.40"
"Sometimes the bloke'll even sling you a free one... Yep, the dock is where to get your cokes from."
"Alright thanks I'll..."
"Yeah... on level 24 they're $1.80, and they're only $1.40 at the dock."

Suitably underwhelmed with the conversation I returned to level 27 to eat my pie, which was underwhelming, suitably.

Not so underwhelming was the latest on my scanner, which informs me that a POI (person of interest) has "lit his own hair on fire before absconding into the night." Apparently this was the only reason he was a POI in the first place, previous to that he was simply a man in Kings Cross. It is funny how the circumstances of a night can change you. It's a bit like when my friend Wags drunk too much, wet his pants, and wasn't allowed on the boat for our year 11 formal. It actually isn't at all, I'm just interested to know if Wags reads this.

(newsworthy soliloquy)
I pity any ex-employees of the UNSW School of Anatomy who did not "sexually interfere" with body parts.


Anonymous said...

Was the POI Andrew Stockdale??

Anonymous said...

Just thought i'd let you know google ranks your blogs importance a 3/10, this comments page cracks a 9/10, pretty good since youtube only pulls 7!